New Post (30) : Picking (up) a bride in the Chechnya style !
A young Chechen girl, goes out shopping while her family is at home. While she is out on the street a man and his accomplices grab her, toss her into a car and speed away.
Bride kidnapping was seen by many in the Russian republic of Chechnya as a ritual rather than an outrage.
For centuries it has been tradition for a man to simply choose the woman he wants and forcibly take her.
Religious leaders in the republic strongly disapprove, and new laws have been introduced to curb the practice.
The girls who have been kidnapped rarely bring the matter to court. To do so would be considered a disgrace. …….But they never forget their experience.
Now that Chechnya is getting tough on the practice, many families just may be helped.
Chechnya has introduced new laws to try and stamp out the practice of men kidnapping their brides
With the new laws coming into force, bride kidnappers will face a prison sentence and will have to pay over US$ 30,000 in fines to the girl's family. Even religious leaders pushing a girl to marry her kidnapper will be punished.
Bottom line : Girls in Chechnya have yet to (wait and) see whether this old tradition will really meet its end... and deliver them from a living hell.
Are these the very same brides who then end up as "willing" suicide bombers going from one hell to another ?
Charlie Brown