New Post (216) : Germany - Europe’s beast of burden.
What Europe needs is greater integration …but - one of a different kind.
The mantra should be to facilitate and achieve:
“Technology parity among member states so each one becomes more capable of exporting to the world at large”.
The Tech leaders like a Germany (and a France and a few others) must share their proprietary technologies with their lesser cousins, such as the PIGS {Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain…and the rest}. Set up ancillaries outside of their home country and help raise their tech capability. Then use that supply chain to bid for export orders “collectively”.
Made in Germany must give way to Made in Europe.
National ambitions must be surrendered.
The EADS a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services is a good example to follow. Just scale up that model. To include “all” European countries.
Follow this principle in “all” sectors of industry.
A Europe that is cross wired in a “technology interdependence matrix” will stand together.
Think of Europe as a USE in the making. [Unites States of Europe]
Caution: The monetary union –and- the proposed fiscal discipline+union will go so far and no further. The required bail outs will only get bigger n bigger.
The problem of Europe is not one of economy and finance. Though that it what it has turned into.
The problem is – “technology disparity among the members”.
And so Germany - a tech giant with a global canvas of its own exports - will continue to be - the beast of burden of Europe.
Germany must lead by adopting this change in perspective.
Charlie Brown