New Post (129) : Beware of resorting to celebrity endorsements.
Responsible advertisers ought to be aware of the downside with celebrity endorsement.
Here are “4” such cautions:
If the celebrity is strongly associated with the brand then the occurrence of any negative publicity about his life can spill over to the brand.
When a celebrity is used, there is a distinct risk of consumers focusing overly on the celebrity and not on the brand.
If the celebrity chooses to endorse several different products simultaneously this might leave the brand’s consumers confused.
Sometimes a company may use many different celebrities to appeal to different market segments. A multiplicity of endorsers could blur the brand image.
Advice I was given by an iconic ad woman: Use celebrity endorsement as an absolute last resort …i.e. when you are "too lazy" to come up with any worthwhile ideas.
She certainly made her point !
Charlie Brown