New post (153) : Hop, Lampedusa & Jump.
Lampedusa ?
Lampedusa (Italian: Isola di Lampedusa, Sicilian: Isula di Lampidusa) is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, part of the Province of Agrigento, in the region of Sicily, Italy; it is the largest of the Pelagie Islands. Tunisia is the closest shore to Lampedusa. It is situated 205 kilometres (127 mi) from Sicily and 113 kilometres (70 mi) from Tunisia, and is the southernmost point in Italy. Its population of approximately 6,000 subsists on fishing, agriculture and tourism.
It has lately been known primarily for its role as an entry point to Europe for impoverished illegal immigrants from Africa.
Hop, Skip & Jump.
And why are they, "the impoverished illegal immigrants from Africa" --- “hopping, Lampedusaing & jumping” (to Europe) ?
Because some "democratic" countries have been individually & collectively stealing their mined natural resources for --- FAR TOO LONG !
The temptation to learn about democracy directly, first-hand from the teachers n preachers of democracy........must have been too hard to resist.
So here they are.............the eager Afro-Arab students (of democracy).
Just where are those high brow European teachers n preachers (of democracy) now ?
Political seers claim:
The erstwhile colonizers are now seeing themselves being colonized.
The trickle will turn into a tidal wave...and then a tsunami.
Charlie Brown