New Post (195) : My nephew says - Glass beats plastic.
My (school going) nephew is always coming up with these strange observations …read on …
At school he learned that - The fingertips contain some of the densest areas of nerve endings on the body.
So (soon after) this is what he comes up with.
1. Try this (he says).
Chill any aerated beverage of your choice. One in a glass bottle. Another one of the same beverage in a plastic (PET) bottle. {put both in the same freezer for identical lengths of time)
His observation:
The glass bottle feels cooler to the touch.
2. Further, try this (says he).
{Use a friend as a volunteer.}
Blind fold your friend.
Hand him a “chilled” bottle of water “to hold”, stick a straw in his mouth, stick the other end of the straw into another bottle of “water at room temperature”. Ask him to take a few sips.
Your friend will believe he has had a sip of cold water.
His cold hands will trick his mind into this response.
His conclusion:
A glass bottle is “cooler to the touch” and makes the beverage more satisfying (than from a plastic bottle) as - a thirst quencher……i.e.…..even when the beverage itself may not be quite as “chilled”.
Now you may ask why beverages are increasingly being made available in plastic bottles.
(plastic is an insulator)
All the more so because glass bottles can be refilled (it’s a returnable package) several times over, whereas plastic bottles are not refilled (it’s a one way package).
At this point, I caught myself thinking about – “beer”
So says he - Glass is a friend of the earth. Is plastic a friend of the earth ?
He just stumped me with that one.
Allied questions that he raises :
-What is the available guidance on the "ideal" serving temperature of a cool beverage ?
-Are visi-coolers + dispensers in stores set to that ideal cooling temperature ? (and reset “daily”).
Of late I find I can’t keep pace with my (school going) nephew’s overly agile questioning mind.
Charlie Brown