New Post (158) : The Mozart Effect is nonsense
Northern Illinois University's "Mathematics and Music" page outlines projects that have been performed associating math and music.
One such project is the Mozart Effect, which correlates performance in mathematics to listening to Mozart.
Your student can create a miniature version of the Mozart Effect. To do this, the student creates a music CD that contains several tracks of Mozart's music, and distributes this music to 10 of her friends. After one week, two weeks and three weeks, the student measures the performance of her friends on standardized math testing (such as 100-question multiplication tests). At these week intervals, the student should also measure scores on these same tests for students who did not listen to the CDs. Using this information, the student will be able to decide whether her information agrees with the Mozart Effect.
To my mind the relationship between ability in math and music is rubbish.
Question : Was Mozart (himself) a mathematical genius (too) ?
I think we all know that the answer to that one is --- NO.
A stilling of the mind with MEDITATION is more likely to better your ability with math. (provided a basic minimum ability with math exists)
Charlie Brown