New Post (167) : Mr Obama Sir – “Take care of the American homeless veterans first”.
WAR - can destroy both body and mind (and life) of a soldier, something seldom spoken about.
Some people join the armed services in hopes of having financial stability once they are done with their duty. Unfortunately some of them end up on the streets. That is a problem, which is expected to get even worse as more and more service members return from YOUR war/S, to a dire economic situation with very few job prospects.
Every soldier says, my recruiter lied to me,” “It’s just something that we all know. The reality is, you’re less likely to find a job when you get out of the military, despite promises that you’re more marketable on the job market.”
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, recently expressed concern over the creation of a generation of homeless veterans, a practical and moral burden for the US for decades to come. Despite the warning, some conservative lawmakers like Michele Bachman have proposed cutting funding for veterans. That is something that is insulting to proud American veterans.
I say---Take care of the American homeless veterans first and only then set out to take care of the world. The banks you have bailed out with Billions of $’s of tax payer money could be asked to make houses available to homeless veterans.
That for a change …would be …change that we would love to believe in.
I am personally deeply disappointed in your Presidency.
Charlie Brown