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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Caste Census is central to attaining social justice in India .

New post(2) : Caste Census is central to attaining social justice in India

These my friends are the thoughts of a 15 something Indian on a subject that adult Indians shy away from taking a position on or at best talk about (only) in hushed tones.
Charlie Brown.

Some things create more heat than light, and that is exactly what the 2011 caste census will do.
The proposition : Caste Census is central to attaining social justice in India .
The decision to include caste as a category in the census at the cost of 3,000 crore rupees came as a major shock to me and rest of the young India out there. Apart from the cost factor, which is obscene, the whole business about caste census is something appalling in the 21st century.
To begin with, let’s start where this idea started. The need for a caste census arose with the objective to have reliable data for formulation of effective affirmative action policies. The aim is to uplift the socially and economically backward classes to achieve social justice.
Well, We have first of all failed to understand ‘backwardness’. A caste census shall be no good in uplifting backward groups of the country as our criteria for OBC’s are not as per the 21st century reality. Simply saying, it is a fundamental conception fallacy, that Caste is synonymous to class. And hence, cannot be a real basis for policies.
The caste-in-census question has hence become deeply intertwined with debates surrounding reservation, because information gathered will have implications for policy formulation.

Again let’s get back to where it all started. Our founding fathers, wisely, decided to have reservations as a policy to continue for only the first 10 years after independence after which it was to be reviewed. 6 decades later, and nowhere near to the goal, we have not yet reviewed the strategy.

In the words of Shobha De, The need for a caste census for Policy programming is I’m sorry to say, a wonderful academic exercise and an eyewash. And I don’t believe the state needs to know my caste for any innocent purposes. I believe it’s manipulative, tedious and nasty in a way that can be very dangerous.
Our politicians say that ‘Caste is a reality’ in India . Well, so are honor killings. Does that mean that every time something awful happens, we say, let’s not play ostrich. Let’s recognize it and in fact let’s legitimize it. That certainly is the most unreasonable and regressive thing to do.
By doing a caste census, we will create an increased Caste consciousness. Caste will be pitted against caste and it will open a Pandora’s box of Political demands. Politics will be a bigger chaos than ever. As for Social Justice.. I don’t see how it is even an expected outcome.
Bear in mind, when the British conducted a religion based census, it only agitated social unrest. The antagonism between majority and minority was highlighted and in the midst of everything, what emerged were Polarized identities. Partition did not occur by itself, my friends.
In the end, let’s put the matter up to questions
1. Is the idea of a Caste Census, in accordance with the spirit of constitution? Definitely NO.
2. Is this idea progressive or regressive? It is an idea that will take us back some 1000 years.
3. Will it promote harmony or will it further divide the society? It will undoubtedly lead to divisiveness in the society.
4. What is the true motivation of the move? That my friends, I feel is an already established fact.
Just for a fleeting moment, I ask you to Cast away the and view your beloved country through of its people.
Revealingly---You will see poverty stricken people in and among all castes.
In fact poverty is the only truly "democratic" feature across all of India 's castes / “jatis”.
So---Let us the sons and daughters of this soil not use caste to fracture India
I thereby conclude by quoting Amitabh Bachchan, ‘My Caste is Indian’ and in the best interests of the society, I hope, So is yours. Thank You.