New post (8) : The "Common Wealth Games"---the servile play.
Here is what a well known Olympic medalist from the USA, once said to me...
[[[ The “Common Wealth Games” or CWG is to say the least a sporting spectacle that celebrates the loot of its member states by their erstwhile colonial master.
The wealth of nations was transferred to one nation.
The games need to be buried and a memorial built with a wreath placed atop.
Wreath: NOUN: A ring or circlet of flowers, boughs, or leaves placed on a “memorial”.
The continuance of this mockery is appalling.
Lending the loot and plunder even a modicum of respectability is plain ludicrous.
The CWG as has been suggested by some perceptive observers is more appropriately an acronym for “Common Wreath Games”.]]]
Charlie Brown