New post (14) : What ever happened to "Gross National Happiness" ???
The "learned" obsession with GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and growth rates in GDP, whilst containing inflation within reasonable levels---has been the driving vision of economist/s and Governments ...alike.
The "trickle down" economic theorists were convinced and convincing. That prosperity would trickle down to the lowest strata of the pyramid...if only we stayed the course...long enough.
Worse happened. What we now have is that the middle class has all but disappeared. In country after country.
The trickle down "con" artists have done a vanishing act. No book launches. No lecture circuits. No media interviews. No spotlights.
One certainly wonders---Is the time right to evolve planing based on a Gross National Happiness "index" ???
No. No. No. The 2 concepts are NOT correlated.
Charlie Brown