New Post (28): Emerging market MNCs Vs Developed market MNCs..
The success record of MNCs from “developed” countries in emerging market has been good. ……!!!…………..But their practices have often been questionable. MNCs from developed countries need to understand emerging markets better. Acting with sensitivity …as they would at home.
In a reverse sweep…
The MNCs from “emerging” markets are now expanding and acquiring companies in developed countries at a rapid pace. Emerging market MNCs are posing tough competition to developed country MNCs in other emerging markets as well as Third World countries. The emerging market MNCs power and impact has increased significantly and many of them have become brands across the world. Emerging markets multinationals need to learn rapidly in their conquest for global markets. The window of opportunity may be open for only a short time. This is the time for them to make the most of the (relatively so speaking) ---openness in markets.
More IMORTANTLY: “Hopefully no emerging market MNC will (never ever) walk away like a Union Carbide from a monstrous Bhopal gas like tragedy, shirking its moral + ethical responsibility”. ……….Hiding behind legalese and Government.
Else we’d have done no better than re-invent the monster.
Charlie Brown