New Post (58) : Honour killings in Afghanistan
A film you might want to “watch”…
-the film, tells the story of a young Afghan bride-to-be who comes up against her people's conservative customs when she helps a foreign film crew that arrives in her remote northern village.
-confronts this issue of honour killings in a remote village in northern Afghanistan starting to rebuild after decades of conflict.
-is partly inspired by stories about Afghan women who were beaten or killed by family members because of participating in a film.
The story…
In the film, Majgan, is an Afghanistan-born translator who is part of a small foreign film crew making a dramatic film in the village.
Majgan is going through an identity crisis about her Afghan roots and meets a young village girl, Mena with whom she develops a tentative connection.
Majgan is under pressure from the film’s director and convinces Mena, WHO NEVER LEAVES THE FAMILY HOME, into playing a small role. She entices the girl by promising to give her one of the burkas being used in the film;
Mena is betrothed to Rahmat, a gentle young man who drives the local bus, and has told Majgan she longs for a burka to wear at her wedding.
But the plan does not work out.
The anguish of Mena’s father at having to kill his daughter for her act of dishonour is devastating to watch, …although the final outcome, which involves Rahmat, suggests village culture may be slowly changing.
…A film you might want to “reflect” on.
Traditions, (good, bad & ugly) are not meant to be taken "unquestioningly" as etched into stone. Even the rock eventually crumbles to dust.
Charlie Brown