New Post (49) : Trafficked from Nepal to India.
Nepali girls are being trafficked to India every month.
A large number of trafficked Nepalese girls are in India and controlling traffickers is proving troublesome because Nepal and India share open borders and traffickers have but obviously “negotiated” ways to cross borders without being noticed.
The most common form of human trafficking is for exploitation, and the victims of exploitation are predominantly women and girls. The second most common form of human trafficking is to be forced labour which is less frequently detected and reported than trafficking for exploitation.
What is being done by India to root out this practice. The 2 governments must act in concert. Most forcefully. The continuance of this export-import “trade” is unacceptable !
The harshest possible punishment is warranted. ESPECIALLY, for the Indians involved in this “organized” crime. Zero tolerance must be exercised in this regard.
The government of India must set up a fund for the rehabilitation of these victims of trafficking.
India’s developmental aid and assistance to Nepal must increase MANIFOLD.
Civil society in India must --- rise to the occasion.
((( Apart from to India, Nepalese girls have also been trafficked to a few “other” countries. )))
“India must set right…what it can set right”. (on it’s own soil)
Charlie Brown