New Post (31) : Women in poverty discover the macro-gains of micro-Finance
Something as tiny as small as seemingly insignificant as micro-financial assistance to a poor woman in financing her purchase of a bread maker to set up a bread making micro-enterprise to operate at the community level goes a long way. It changes her life …and that of those around her---in a very real way.
Financial services to the active poor women in viable micro-enterprise/s, empower these enterprising women through financial access and skill development and reduce poverty.
Access to credit and savings facilities strengthens the role of women in economic decisions.
It also improves their skills, knowledge and support networks as well as enhancing their status in the community.
Increasing women's access to micro-finance will lead to both, social and political empowerment.
Poverty alleviation and women empowerment are seen as two sides of the same coin and it is the only way to bring wider changes in gender inequality.
Evidence suggests...
Women have proven to be excellent client/s notably in paying back loans in time and they are key drivers to development.
What’s more---Investing in women has proven an effective way to---increase individual family expenditure on health, education, improved nutrition and food security.
Why ? Because---Women are more responsible. Just my honest view.
Charlie Brown