New Post (83) : The Unstable Quadrilateral---Israel, Iran, USA, China.
1. The Israelis feel threatened enough to attack Iran.
An attack on Iran would be devastating to China’s economy and even its very political stability.
Such a strike, among many disastrous outcomes, would most certainly cause the price of oil to spike to cataclysmic highs. Launching the world economy into a period of turbulence not experienced since the autumn of 2008, or even possibly since the oil shock of 1973.
Israel has tried to impress upon the Chinese the seriousness of their intentions to never allow an Iranian nuclear bomb, and the possible consequences for China in the event of an attack.
The international consequences of military action, while inflaming the wider region, …would also disrupt oil supplies on which much of China’s manufacturing and international trade depend.
The Chinese must not under-estimate Israeli psychology and the historical forces that make many Israelis think an attack on Iran is justified, …without regard for global consequences.
In spite of China’s increasing economic and diplomatic clout, the US remains the world’s only superpower.
China has minimal force projection capabilities, no meaningful military presence in the Middle East, and no likely military role in the event of war after an Israeli attack, other than making lucrative arms sales
If the US-led diplomatic efforts to force Iran to renounce nuclear weapons development fail and Israel attacks, China risks being seen as a less than responsible stakeholder in the international system, whether or not you believe Israel is justified in such an attack.
China could play a very positive role in pushing Iran towards a “good” outcome, but it appears it refuses to do so, for commercial reasons …as well as very narrow and likely miscalculated “strategic” gains at America’s expense.
***I believe…
China must "NOT" be pushed.
Iran "MUST" be spoken to.
2. The nightmare scenario:
Any abrupt move on Iran by Israel(///USA) will push N.Korea(///China) to make an equally abrupt move on S.Korea.
Before we blink---the "quadrilateral" will have turned into a "hexagon" !
Charlie Brown