Ireland may be ---the land of the horse…but…
Ireland faces some tough decisions over the plight of the horses that people can no longer afford to keep.
It's a terrible situation at the moment but its happening and something has to be done to prevent these poor unwanted creatures from starving to death.
They are ---"THE 4 LEGGED VICTIMS OF IRELAND'S RECESSION"--- whose plight animal welfare organization/s say can only be solved now by a mass national cull.
Bought as trophy-pets during the boom years, homeless horses now run wild in their thousands across the Republic.
Most abandoned by owners who have no money for their upkeep.
Ireland has ---the highest horse population per capita--- in the whole of Europe.
Although there are no official figures, animal charities estimate that ---“up to 20,000 horses could be owner-less and fending for themselves”.
With the prospect of a harsh winter and no let up in the economic gloom, the only solution to the problem is to cull those animals left to forage for themselves.
At the height of the boom a NON-thoroughbred horse bought as a pet could cost up to €4,000; today, that price can be as low as €50.
It’s such a pity !
Charlie Brown