New Post (102) : “To ad or not to ad” on E-books, that is the…question.
The question (really) is more about ---“How to”…
As e-books proliferate, advertisers are experimenting with ways to pitch to consumers while they read, a trend that could --- change the publishing business.
Advertisers are experimenting with ads on e-readers, a trend that could change the publishing business.
Marketers are exploring a variety of formats, including sponsorships that give readers free books.
Videos, graphics or text with an advertiser's message that appear when a person first starts a book or along the border of the digital pages are also in the works.
Ads can be targeted based on the book's content and the demographic and profile information of the reader.
The challenge: Ads on e-books will have to contend with annoying the reader.
(I’d) Trust the ingenuity of advertisers to come up with a clever non-invasive solution.
Charlie Brown