New Post (135) : The HRD hogwash
This is for youngsters entering the job market. Beware of hogwash.
Meaning: hogwash n. Worthless, false, or ridiculous speech or writing; nonsense. Garbage fed to hogs………
The stated “peoples orientation” of the {HR} Human Resources discipline is hogwash.
Reflect on this:
Employees too are suppliers.
[...have no illusion about this. ]
The “only” supplier that gets paid only “after” a months service has been delivered is ---an employee.
Stated differently---employees are expected to offer 1 months credit to their employer. (like it or not)
Whereas all manner of “other” suppliers---get paid an upfront advance for products/services delivered, that could range from substantial to 100%.
[ parts suppliers, consultants, ……….]
Conclusion: Be cautious about falling for sophisticated HRD jargon. Retain a sensible perspective at all times.
For a commercial organization---Employees are the most dispensable of all suppliers.
The key to being a darling of the HR is --- "Performance".
Charlie Brown