New Post (128 ) : Tunisian haste has ignited a wider crisis with no end-gain !
To my friends in the Afro-Arab world: “Well begun is only half done.”
After achieving a forced regime change/s………….WHAT NEXT ?
On the surface---The word 'revolution' is employed to denote a change in socio-political institutions.
Consider these two definitions of a revolution.
A BROAD (process oriented definition) one, where revolution is
"any and all instances in which a state or a political regime is overthrown and thereby transformed by a popular movement in an irregular, extra constitutional and/or violent fashion"
and …a NARROW (outcome oriented definition) one, in which
"revolutions entail not only mass mobilization and regime change, but also more or less rapid and fundamental social, economic and/or cultural change, during or soon after the struggle for state power."
Question : Will the “broad” (PROCESS) currently under way, lead to the much sought “narrow” (OUTCOME) in a lasting sort of way ? ? ?
Democracy is NOT A MAGIC WAND !
[[[ The demon ALWAYS returns with a new mask on. ]]]................In these domino instances, could he creep back in with a scarier "fundamentalist" mask ? That's a possibility.
Footnote : I prefer the “slower cousin of revolution”-------------“evolution”.
... [[[ A revolution hacks the branches, while evolution changes the seed. ]]]
Charlie Brown