New post (183) : The E coli lesson.
Read on and draw your own conclusions.
News item (1)
A rare strain of E.coli has infected people in 12 countries, and has killed 22 people and made more than 2,000 ill. German-grown bean sprouts and other sprouts could be the source of the deadly outbreak, German officials said.
News item (2)
German researchers are still trying to identify the source of a deadly E. coli outbreak after Spanish cucumbers were found not to have the lethal strain. About 470 patients – mostly in north Germany – have the most severe and potentially fatal symptoms. The E. coli has killed 16 people – 15 in Germany and one in Sweden. The Spanish government is threatening legal action after its growers were forced to destroy tonnes of freshly harvested vegetables.
My conclusion :
Quick to panic (justifiably so). Hasty to point a finger (UN-justifiably so).
Nature’s germ warfare against humans is much more virulent and vicious than we can imagine. Finger pointing is pointless. We are all in it together. For better or for worse.
Charlie Brown