New Post (187) : A day long peek into the lives of the poor in India.
So interesting…………
Not a life that you would expect the future CEOs from the most prestigious B-school of India to lead.
But this is what some of the IIM-B students experienced for a day early this week — just to know what it is to be poor.
Just Rs 20 in pocket. Surviving on single banana for breakfast, rice dish from roadside vendor for lunch, biscuits for tea time.
[Note : Indian Rs 45 is roughly equal to 1 USD.]
As part of their elective programme 'Inclusive Business Models', 75 students were exposed to another world — that of people who live with just Rs 20 per day
That is the below poverty line cut-off in India.
The students, in groups of five, went to different slums in and around Bangalore, interacted with the slum-dwellers, trying to understand their lives and finally come up with suitable business solutions that can help them.
How refreshing……………
Charlie Brown