New Post (33) : The impending / imminent “clash of the titans” !
The world is made up of --- meddlers, peddlers and fence-sitters.
Always has been.
We have been witness to a collapse of one major bi-polarity and are now witness to the unfolding re-creation of another one.
One brought about by the dissolution of the Soviet bloc and one in the process of being created by the rise of China.
If we are to learn anything at all from the recent history of the past century it’s prudent for all nations of the world to stand away from being sucked into one or the others “influence”.
Satellite nations eventually stymie their own personalities and true potential for development/growth. Ending us as !!! banana!!! states.
A multi-polar world is in everyone’s enlightened self interest.
The more multi-polar---THE BETTER !
The (recently in evidence) jockeying by the 2 “aspirants-for-supremacy” in seeking the affections of “buddy” nations in the South East Asian geography (in particular) is somewhat “disturbing”.
This time around matters are more complex. Given the (unique) creditor/debtor relation ship between the 2---USA & China.
It’s time to watch out and …keep out of the way of their “crossfire”.
Charlie Brown