New Post (34) : WWW : W.orldwide W.ater W.ars
Nothing quite like good old fashioned humour to lighten up i.e. before introducing a serious subject.
I was intrigued by this…(shocking as it is ?)…set me thinking…
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Water Wars is a game or competition…here is how you play it: Opponents go to opposing battle stations with buckets of water balloons. Each battle station has a water balloon launcher. Place a balloon in the launcher, pull down on the handle, aim, and fire! Your balloon soars high through the air and comes crashing down on your opponent's battle station. There are strategically placed slots and holes in the structure that allows the water to come through. You might get sprinkled, sprayed, or saturated, but watch out, retaliation comes quickly....!
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That said…
There is another kind of “Worldwide Water Wars” that is around the corner.
Actually, it’s already well upon us where pitched battles for a days requirement of water are waged at every dawn in the glitz and glam shrouded urban cities in the 3rd world.
Rural dwellers in large parts of the world trudge (walk) miles up and down each day to “fetch a pail of water”. (mostly women and children bear the burden of this daily duty)
Raging disputes on water rights both, between states within countries …and between countries are a “reality” that’s already upon us.
Gilding the lily will just not do. Anymore. That's woefully myopic.
How much longer before the “Worldwide Water Wars” will be unleashed.
Water (…after AIR) is the 2nd most vital resource that needs “active” managing.
Sometimes ...a picture can say it better than a 1000 words.
So picture this...
Imagine the Niagara falls ...(but) ...without the water.
If that does not shock, nothing will.
The message: "Conserve and recycle---like never before in human history".
Charlie Brown