New Post (74) : Gunboat diplomacy off North Korea
In international politics, gunboat diplomacy refers to the pursuit of foreign policy objectives with the aid of conspicuous displays of military power — implying or constituting a direct threat of warfare, should terms not be agreeable to the superior force. The term comes from the period of colonial imperialism, where the European powers would intimidate other states into granting trade or other concessions (unequal treaties) through a demonstration of their superior military power. A country negotiating with a European power would notice that a warship or fleet of ships had appeared off its coast. The mere sight of such power almost always had a considerable effect, and it was rarely necessary for such boats to use other measures, such as demonstrations of cannon fire.
The assumption that North Korea will be intimidated is “DANGEROUSLY” flawed.
Dangerous not just to South Korea and Japan---but---to the “wider” Asia-Pacific area.
These archaic antics must be halted. Immediately !
Only talks with North Korea, led by a China together with Russia’s presence at the table have any chance of success. Whatsoever.
Charlie Brown