New Post (73) : “Nobel” not “NOBLER than thou” !
“Nobel” the actor, is trying “too” hard to play the “NOBLER than thou” character !
&…most unconvincingly so !
Nearly always, politics, not merit, determines the peace awards.
The Nobel committee is using the Peace Prize as a political tool.
The Oslo-based committee suffers from a western mind set.
Reluctant to see a stronger China and has tried to sabotage the rise of the country through using the Nobel Peace Prize.
Western countries fear China as a rival, apprehensive it will supplant their supremacy through --- a better model.
Using the award to bash Beijing, less (in actual fact) on human rights violations, more (in actual fact) for becoming an economic superpower, challenging in the process an America centric dominance.
That’s the core issue, not the farcical pretension that humanitarian considerations matter.
As the Non-West sees it…
…The West has no respect for the ideas and values of the Non-West and has time and again indulged, since the modern era, in lecturing and dictating to other peoples on how to behave, … … …either peacefully, subversively, or VIOLENTLY.
It’s well and good to draw attention to China’s treatment of political dissidents and its harsh restrictions on free speech, meeting, and Internet communications. … … …However, the award isn’t likely to cause Chinese authorities to change their minds. If anything, it’s more likely to cause them to dig in their heels further.
China’s history goes back thousands of years. It’s "rapidly" modernizing AND “hugely” successful state (---one that 194 countries around the world want desperately to replicate---) is a product of that evolution.
No “one-style-fits-all” political system suits all societies equally.
Here’s an IDEA for my fellow "2" Billion+++ netizens : Why don’t we “The real people on the virtual net” establish our very own NOBLE [not “Nobel”] prizes and “call the Nobel bluff” ?
We could set up quite "easily & quickly" the RICHEST EVER---"PEOPLES" peace prize !
Charlie Brown