New Post (94) : The “other” Bharat-Natyam.
1. Bharata Natyam, which originates from the state of Tamil Nadu in South India, is one of the “7” popular classical dance styles in India.
A popular interpretation of the name of the style is:
BHAva (expression) + RAga (musical mode) + TAla (rhythm) NATYAM (dance) = BHARATA NATYAM
The highly cultivated art of Bharata Natyam has been handed down over the centuries by teachers called nattuvanars and ritualistic dancers called devadasis, in the temples of south India.
Besides the devadasis the court traditions also carried on the traditions of dance. The Tanjore Quartette being the most well known. They were court artists under a Maratha Ruler of Tanjore. (The Marathas ruled between the period 1674-1885 AD). They are responsible for the present day repertoire of Bharata Natyam. They composed and directed many dance items and to this day their contributions are held in high esteem and are performed in present day dance recitals. The format remains the same with a few changes here and there.
This style is a direct descendant of devotional dances performed in the temples of South India from the tenth century to the present times.
Besides the school of Bharata Natyam associated with the state of Tamil Nadu, …there is a Mysore school of Bharata Natyam which retains the traditions of temples and courts of the ancient Mysore state of Karnataka state.
2. *** An ancient name of India is Bharat.
The “other” post-15thAug1947 i.e. post-independence, “BHARAT-NATYAM” …is the one that---Indian politicos have been making the hapless gullible ignorant general Indian populace dance to.
With scams, scams and MORE scams…each one bigger than the previous one.
Charlie Brown