New Post (93) : Screw It, Let's Do It : Lessons in Life and Business
Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson…
(born 18 July 1944) is a British industrialist, best known for his Virgin Group of over 400 companies.
Global entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson has built a business empire and made billions, --- yet is renowned for his approachability & for his ability to challenge and succeed against the odds.
In his book---“Screw It, Let's Do It …” he reveals the lessons from life that have helped him through his business and personal life - such as…
-believe it can be done
-if others disagree with you, try and try again until you achieve your goal
-that you must love what you do.
These and other lessons, with examples of how he learned them and how he's used them, are included in this stirring and candid look at his lessons from an truly exceptional life.
*** Inspiration that one can draw upon---“to make a difference in your own life”.
In my personal experience with his unique and awesome Virgin Group…
The one operative word that best describes his personal philosophy is IRREVERENCE”. (an idea that I have applied in the past to “advertising”.)
This permeates all of his life---businesses, adventures and charities...
PS: Also, read his autobiography “Losing My Virginity”. You will enjoy reading this one too. In his words the book is all about ---“How I've Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way”.
SRCNB---A maverick multi-faceted determined pioneer if there ever was one.
He is one of a kind.
Charlie Brown