New Post (141) : Is running away the easier option ?
Lithuania has ---“the highest level of migration in the EU”.
With more and more Lithuanians heading west to find employment, this small nation is in danger of getting even smaller.
The so-called Baltic brain drain damages Lithuania ever deeper with each new day.
Young people finish their studies at home then look for a job in Western Europe, where salaries are much higher.
Preliminary government statistics for 2010 show that last year alone, an estimated 83,000 people left the country, many in search of work elsewhere.
The Department of Social Statistics is desperate to find out how many people are living in the country in this year’s major census. They expect to see the 2001 population of 3.4 million fall by almost 500,000. This exodus appears endless.
The challenge for Vilnius is to try and keep their best and brightest from being lost to the brain drain to safeguard the future.
Question: What prevents these "young, beacons of hope" from digging in at home and turning entrepreneurs ? ? ?
Interestingly,........the global financial crisis and crippling recession, means that the move abroad does not always provide the opportunities it once did.
Comment : This to me sounds like ---“an all too familiar horror story” !
One that has drained many a country. Diminishing it's potential.
Charlie Brown