New Post (142) : Keeping those soldiers motivated
Invasions are nasty business.
Especially when the strong bully the weak.
Lacking in excitement beyond a point. Dull n boring.
Soldiers need to be kept motivated.
With imaginative canteen promos /or promotions
Such as :
--- “a beer for an (enemy) ear”.
--- “Light (burn) up a fag (an openly homosexual man) for a pack of fags (cigarettes)”
[ Make a note of the catchy n clever sing-song rhyming ]
Even die-hard war heroes need that extra something to keep them going.
Heroism does not come easy.
My contempt for the MUCH celebrated war heroes…who have guzzled these “blood” beers and smoked these “blood” cigarettes-----------soaked in enemy blood !
Believe it...
This had “actually” happened in Vietnam (also called NAM)…as confessed by the guilty soldiers……after "years of inglorious silence".
Wonder WHAT ELSE is being done by the army brass {and their politician masters) in present day wars to "dehumanize" their (own) fighting forces.
I hate wars. (for what they do to human civility, dignity, sanity)
Charlie Brown