New Post (164) : Indian Citizen's Ombudsman Bill.
Indian’s are absolutely fed up…of the malaise of corruption.
In two hundred cities across India on Tuesday, thousands of college students, young executives and housewives joined a campaign that asks the government to enact an important new law to fight corruption.
At the centre of the movement is respected social activist Anna Hazare who has begun a hunger strike that he says will not end till the government proves its commitment to the Jan Lokpal Bill [Citizen's Ombudsman Bill].
What the government has proposed in its draft, he and other activists say on the website,, is "complete eyewash". Rather than strengthen anti-corruption systems, it demolishes whatever exists in the name of anti-corruption systems today. It seeks to --- completely insulate politicians from any kind of action against them."
Unless civil society plays a role in drafting the law, Mr Hazare believes, it will change nothing.
This popular and spontaneous peoples movement is the first ever mass action that has challenged their incorrigible blatantly corrupt politicians. Better late than never. It's now or never...
The shameless, spineless, skunks are about to witness "the power of the people at full steam".
Charlie Brown