New Post (165) : Vote for the independents.
Citizens have been reduced to hapless voiceless sufferers…seeking comfort in drafting and signing on-line petitions.
It gives us the (false) feeling --- of being in some manner - in control.
I'd gladly put my signature on a petition on a roll of (t….t) paper as long as the great wall (of China) and as tall as the Qutub minar (of India) if that would change anything at all - in India.
I have a simple solution to the mess that is India.
For once---Vote en masse for any candidate not belonging to the (currently) ruling Congress party and the main opposition BJP party.
Vote only for independent candidates...with no party affiliation.
I think the USA too would benefit from not voting for either of the Democrats or the Republicans.
The same is true for all democracies (that have been hijacked by their own politicians).
Go for Independents. Reclaim your independence. (else stop complaining !)
Charlie brown